This day

By snapper

A load of bull!

It was up and early for my cousin and I to go over to the island of Islay, I had a couple of heavy duty meetings which I thought were either never going to end or going to be spectacularly blown to heck! My cousin and I managed to esacape for a bit and were told to go to this gallery called the Outback. Well I now know why it was called that! it was at the arse end of no where! over a fiendish single track road (which I am ell used to) but which had pot holes deeper than the Atlantic ocean plus we met the only Council lorry on Islay with a posse of workmen who as fast as they filled the hole then my car then proceeded to plough a furrow through said tar! Anyhows we finally found this Brigadoon of a place and yes it was wonderful , a lovely gallery with some fantastic objedart. One in particular being this fine specimen above which was labelled ( I just unfortunatley cut off the bit) but it was lablled as a cow! My ever so observant cousin said "thats not a cow" and me being me said "how do you know that?" she then said "how many cows have rings in their noses and an undercarraige like that?" Looking at it more closley I laughed and yes indeed the cow was a bull. When the lass brought us our very good coffee, we pointed this small faux pax out to her being as Islay is an island full of swarthy farmers!

She was suitably embarrased and to compensate brought us free home made cake to eat.
The day dosent come any better than that. Dinner was at Luicci's in Bowmore and was also very good.
A great day altogether and highly reccomended

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