
It has been a busy day. I was sent to Lochmaben to run some errands for work and then back at the office to sort out a few things. Then it was home time as it was my half day so headed to see L to drop of some things, it was nice to have a catch up.

Went home did a bit of house work.

Headed to see Mum & Jock, we had a nice lunch. Had a lovely drive in the car (I got loads of blips).

I went for a wonder about the Crichton garden.

Went for a wee cycle with Mum and Jock.

Had a yummy dinner.

Had great fun playing domino's we used sweets and there wrappers to keep score of the game.

Did a but more house work when I got home.

Had some help picking the blip for the day (thank you).

Time for bed.

Hope you had a good Wednesday :0)

Shona :0)x

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