Blipaholic Deb

By BlipaholicDeb

A return to abstract

Uncropped version : ]full version
(Not sure which one I prefer!)

So I realise the last few days I've been in a very spring mood, wasn't intentional but thought I'd go back to my macro still life/abstract theme I was on last week!

So todays experiment, bubbles. You know, fill up a dish with fairy and water and blow as many bubbles into it as you can! Feel kind of guilty that M wasn't here, he would have enjoyed this one!

Beautiful array of colours, hard to capture though as the bloody things keep popping and dislodging the ones you want, but 100 shots no less and I did manage to get a few!

Another mamite image I am sure, that's what I love about abstract! I'm off to have lunch with Hubby, although no alfresco today, the sun seems to have finally moved on and the rain clouds are rolling in, which is a good job because my poor grass is dying!

Hope you all have a great day blippers.

RIP Molly (Tuscany) you will be sorely missed in the Blip world. My deepest sympathies to her family and friends

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