Out of Place??

Kaz left early to go into work. I took Spence into Warragul to daycare and then did a few things. It rained most of the day until about 2.30. I went out blip hunting in the afternoon once the sun had come out a bit! I started driving and I could see the sky was purple with huge clouds coming so I drove to where I thought I could get a good shot. I didn't quite make it and the rain came so I turned around and drove the way the clouds were going until I came out the other side to where it was still sunny! I knew the rain was coming though so I had to be quick!

I took a few shots at the rest stop where this was taken and then drove past where this was taken and down nearly into Noojee.

I have noticed this old chimney before and I thought today is the day!! The sun was still shining (just) on the paddock where the chimney is, and the angle from where the car was, meant that the dark clouds were behind it! I like how this has come out! It sort of looks like the chimney has been added to the photo later or that a spotlight has been shined on it! I took a few shots and then the sun went behind the clouds and it started raining! I was very lucky with the timing! All I have done to this is increase the shadows a tiny bit in Picasa! The rest is just the photo!!

Thanks very much for the comments on my Mist on the River shot yesterday!

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