
By Poppy


I know, I know, it's a gull, actually a fulmar, or as they are called here, a mallimack. Apparently we have a quarter of the British population of them up here in Orkney - 90,000 or so of the blighters! They are starting to nest just now and as Ollie and I went round the cliffs this morning, they were diving and swooping overhead. They have a really great defensive mechanism of spewing foul smelling oil from the tubes on top of their beaks at you so it pays to leave them alone! Don't fancy trying to clean that out of Ollies fur!

Gave the boy a good walk and swim today as this is our last day together for a week. Am heading down the road to my folks, and then taking my mama to Barcelona for a few days! Hence my impatience with getting back to full fitness! Should be great - I was there for a few days 5 years ago and loved it. Apart from their attitude towards animals, I love Spain and all things Spanish. (I know, a gross generalisation!) My brother lives in Madrid, but we won't have time to see him this time, which is a shame.

Right, no time to waste, must go and pack, pack and re pack! Have a great week, fellow blippers, and I will post when I can.

edit: - more photos here!

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