Guinea Pig Zero

By gpzero

An Escort For Molly

There are many traditions throughout this wide Earth that provide an escort for each person who travels out of life. Two examples are the bagpiper who plays at a short distance from one's open grave, and the man who offers rides in his ferry boat across the river Styx for a fee.

Molly made her last entry in her journel Tuscany on May 7, and she passed away shortly thereafter. Now Black Carlo waits for her on the staircase to escort her to her new home.

Go in Peace, Molly --and don't forget your camera!

In the kitchen there are stairs
And on them sits Black Carlo.
He's an old cat who will guide
Our dead to a room, cozy and wide.
If you pet him, you will find
A bed and a book by the lights in his eyes.
Then he will lie down on your chest
And purr you to eternal rest.

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