Planko's Pics

By planko

'ay Hotel

Haven't done a changing Dundee shot for a while, so after having heard about this on the radio i decided it would do for today's offering.

View Large for large curved windows, fine detail from 1899 and directions to Dundee City Centre!

Did take some shots out at Edinburgh Park today, but when i got back to the car, i realised i made a newbie mistake and didnt have the flash card in the camera (still at home in the PC), and cause of the rain had quickly taken two shots without checking. Typical!

This is the Tay Hotel, just across from Dundee Railway station. Built in 1899, opened in 1900, originally as the Mather?s Temperance Hotel. It sat rotting for years through various owners who each failed to get the council to change traffic routing so that buses etc wouldn't pass by the entrance anymore.

Looks like the V&A coming to Dundee is helping to influence the "cooncil" as its just been announced that Malmaison are going to restore and rebuild 91 bedroom hotel in here. With Olympia and Tayside House being demolished, the roads system changed, the V&A getting built across the road, it will be well placed.

Now we just need something done about that 80s monstrosity known as Dundee train station. Last time round they simply hid the old station features under cladding. Hopefully someone can come up with cash to rip off the cladding and do a Waverley makeover of the station, restoring some of the features that are hidden and rotting away underneath...probably not in my lifetime though!


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