Golden Leaves

I had a little time in the garden, weeding and cutting a few things back, a bit of an Autumn clean up. The sun shone for about an hour and while the air was still it was my chance to capture these golden leaves from my Maple tree. I love the colours capturing the light - Autumn can be a pretty time of the year.

We all got woken in the early hours of the morning by a 5.3 quake which lingered a little to long - no damage has been recorded that I'm aware of. There tends to be a pattern occuring about every 6 weeks - hope it doesn't keep up for too much longer.

Thank you for the kind words left on yesterdays 'rose' blip - Hubby is gradually getting better and I will eventually catch up with sleep. I haven't been a good sleeper since having our daughters and can go many nights with not much sleep and then crash - I'll sleep in for a good couple of hours longer than normal - just seems to be the way.

I'll get some commenting done tonight but just now I think I'll grab a cuppa and take a wander round the garden and enjoy what I've done today :)

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