With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


So I sets off to town (Palma) this morning on me donkey (Nissan) to sell my oranges and olives and stuff (invigilate an exam and such) and when I returns the town's dead like. No one around. I sits me down and has a cup of tea and suddenly there's this message on the drums and conchas (mobile) that AKHF and mv and my children have been kidnapped by a load of marauders. Rescuing them valiently on the donkey from the port after their exhausting morning walking down to see what all the fuss is about and having a bit of mussles and the like, it seems they can't make it back to town on account of the trams being a bit clogged up. So we gets back and sorts ourselves out a bit, and then back down to the plaza. Would you believe it, the maraudfers are back (left) with big guns and bangs, raping and pillaging and generally causing a nuisance, so we calls in some brigands from the hills and Captain Angelats gets things sorted with his mates (middle) and finally we can hoist the flag again and get back to normal Soller life.

Visca Soller!

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