
By middleman


One of those never-stop kind of days. Here, there and everywhere.

A calming and fruitful dusk trip for some photographs. Really thought I would end up uploading one of several images I was really pleased with featuring familiar blurred buildings in various states of demolition and graininess, they really seemed to just 'work' for me tonight. But, instead I've gone for reeds and clouds which has really taken my fancy for some reason. Who'da thunk it?

Slowly getting through some old music of mine that has recently been reacquisitioned off the old laptop's hard drive. Yesterday I was really quite disappointed with the Clicks & Cuts, not having heard it for a few years it really didn't hit the spot at all. Conversely, today I could not have been any more delighted with the Susumu Yokota album that accompanied me on my travels. Especially the following track, and I think at one point you can actually hear the kitchen sink being thrown quite merrily into the mix.

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