In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall


Went into O2 union Square to see if I can get an upgrade to my phone contract, replacing my Blackberry with an iPhone. Noe problem you would think. But since I wanted an extrea phone on my business account, we were i there for 4, yes 4, hours. Not the fault of Ruth, the assistant, but becuase, despite modern technology, she, and 2 other assistants, were stuck on the phone getting past from pillar to post, and eventually coming away with the phones, but no number for my wife's phone, as she is changing from pay as you go she was not allowed to keep her number.
Then when I was trying to set up my email, it would not accept my google address, and I cannot get back into the email set up to try another email address.
This is the desk where I spent/wasted my day off, when I could have been out in the sunshine.

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