GAD's 365


Can you tell I was slightly uninspired when it came to blipping tonight. Normally when this happens I take the camera out of the bag and go and look for something around the house to blip. It's starting to look a little desperate when I don't get much further than taking my camera out of the bag and then taking a photo of the contents of the bag!

Things that have happened today:

A week or so ago I designed a couple of photo albums of our wedding. One for Becci's Nanna and one for my Gran. Today they turned up and they look great even if I do say so myself. Really pleased with them.

A colleague has requested a printed copy of one my photos for his home which I'm rather flattered about. Just sorting it out now.

I did more DIY and the list of to-do's is getting ever shorter.

I went for a 4 mile run. I think it was the first time this year which isn't very good but better late than never. Great North Run in September, I better get cracking!

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