
By Sam


We had rain today?! Yes, actual rain. I'd forgotten what that was. We had thunder and lightning too. I like that.

Would have gone out in the rain with my camera (i do that sometimes :P) but I was busy revising at the time.
Speaking of which, i've only just properly started my revision. It's not like my exams start on Monday next week or anything....

So blips over the next 4 weeks may be a little bit lacking. I'm not gonna have bags of time to get out with my camera, and any time I do have spare, i'll be revising. So. Yea. Sorry. I'll try and create a few descent blips each weekend. In theory.

Here's a rose. After the rain.

Oooh, in super exciting news. Got offered a job at a rather large music/arts festival in June, the day after my exams finish! It's a 3 day festival and I get to follow their professional photographer and snap the festival. Awesome! I'm scraping some money together because i'd love a new lens before then and for some other photo jobs i've got over the summer.

So yea. Long blip....

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