The Poss

By PossMan


"Reaper" FR958 an old Fife Drifter in Lossiemouth Harbour for the day. Just a coincidence that I appeared in the town on the same day. I'm fairly sure this is the same vessel that I saw in Pittenweem on the Firth of Forth about 3 or 4 years ago. A sort of floating museum that does the rounds. Free to visit but donations welcome. I didn't go aboard this time but I did in Pittenweem and the insight into life below decks was very interesting. Lossiemouth used to be a thriving fish town on the Moray Firth but now seems, at least on my short visit, a very impoverished town. Most of the harbour area was devoted to pleasure craft. There's an RAF base which is home to Tornado jet fighters but there's a possibility that it could be closed in the new age of austerity.

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