Senior Moments

By seniormoments

This says "OREGON"

I know there's a lot going on here, but I've been obsessed with this lichen covered fence for days, and I finally got a shot I liked. I wanted people who haven't been to Oregon to get a sense of what we see on a daily basis! The rain does bring a unique beauty to our surroundings.

Yesterday was a wonderful Mother's Day despite my blip suspension. (I felt like a kid in the principal's office!) (Apparently it is against the rules to post a picture of an old picture, though I've seen it done...I must've done it wrong!)We golfed in two hailstorms, several torrential downpours, and a FEW sunbreaks. We had a great time despite the weather and capped it off with dinner at a local brewpub. My daughter and son-in-law and husband made it a perfect day, despite missing daughter number 2 vacationing in Cancun!

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