Wednesday Morning 3 A.M.

By meganmacdonald


I sat on the walkway at Cramond for a good hour just watching the sun go down. There was one point where I swear it started to rise again (I was so darn confused) but then it finally sunk down behind the clouds. I don't think I've ever been as peaceful as I was there, what with the warm breeze and The National's 'Sad Songs For Dirty Lovers' playing. It was oddly surreal seeing as I've been stressed out for the last few weeks and them there was just nothing; no worries.

I have an odd obsession with the spots of sunlight cameras capture so, while there was a pretty cool photo (out of the 481 I took) of the circling birds, I chose this one because of the ring of light.

This weekend has been such a waste revision-wise. I don't actually know how I've filled in the hours because I've done literally NOTHING. Ah well, in less than two weeks I'll be done. And therefore free. I. Cannot. Wait.

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