a pleasant way to spend the day

Burbage is now a large village....many years ago the Guildersgame family bequeathed a 200 acre wood and common land with the proviso that it is not developed but to be enjoyed by all. It`s a great place to walk the dog, horse ride whack a few golf balls, fly your kite if you have one or on days like today enjoy the annual Burbage Common Open Day.
The weather was a bit iffy to start but soon brightened up. A fair few people attended to enjoy the delights of home made cakes and preserves,hog roast and other meaty delights, wool spinning demonstrations, talks on wild life and loads of other stuff. The event always starts with pupils chosen from one of the local schools to do the traditional Maypole dance, lovely to watch and they seem to be enjoying themselves.
Spent far to much again today...despite saying I wasn`t going to buy any more plants....I did.. so had to go to the garden centre to buy some more pots for them which prompted us to have Sunday lunch out, his excuse was to save me cooking.....more likely so he wouldn`t have to wash up ha ha

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