Mr B headed off very early with the newly repaired van for a trip back to Scotland. Thd kids and I had a slower start to the day, eventually heading out for a tour of the local homewares shops to pick up a few things. The treat promised for good behaviour was a trip to a vide grenier (car boot sale) I'd seen advertised. After driving round the correct (deserted) village for 40 minutes, we gave up and came home.
Just as well really, as 30 minutes after we got back the phone rang. A very disconsolate Mr B on the outskirts of Paris with a van spewing black smoke. I found a garage nearby who took pity on my pathetic tale and said they'd look at it on Monday morning. Stuck in one of the most expensive cities in the world (even the posted hourly rates for car mechanics were twice those round here) Mr B decided to fly home. So at least there is a silver lining that he'll be here for the kids' first day at school.
(The vide grenier is tomorrow.)
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