Mr Cool! ;-)

He is just simply gorgeous!! We love him só much, feels like he is real family!! ;-)

He was in a much better mood today, just popped in to say 'Happy Mother's Day', but he was in quite a hurry to leave since Daddy promised to take him and Mommy out to a restaurant for cake and tea!!

We had a really messed up Sunday! I woke up just before 06:00 to, what seemed like somebody having a heated argument with Fanie, our gategueard! It turned out to be one of our neighbours, Rian, in the same 'Security Complex', (for M&Z's information - Tilla's house, next to Ernie's, on the corner), but he was not arguing with Fanie, he was busy telling him about their ordeal in the early morning hours!

Three armed robbers woke him up just before 03:00 this morning, one held him at gunpoint whilst the others carried all their TV's, decoders, laptops and, and ...... out of the house, they even sat at the bar, drinking, chatting, smoking, even put their cigarettes out on the carpets and stepped on it, grinding it into the expensive carpets! They kept them hostage for more than three hours, then left, through our security gates, obviously with a valid remote control! It is the fifth robbery in our complex in so many weeks! They tried to enter Tilla's house on Thursday night, but fled when they discovered Rian was still awake, then R snr and Francois, opposite us, stood guard from about 01:00 till 04:00 on Saturday morning, nothing happened, but Sunday morning they came back, when nobody was watching!

Quite unnerving, I must admit! C and I were involved in an armed robbery, 8 years ago, in our office at work, and let me tell you, we knew we were not really 'over it' yet, but today just confirmed it to us again!

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