Oh-oh, Mummy.

18 months 17 days

Well, I had a cracking blip in the bag quite early on today. I was, am, actually quite pleased with this shot, the final edit, all of that. But somehow, this one snuck past it at the upload. The look of 'Oh-oh" which was met with the words a second later.

We started out and about pretty early, we had a job to do and went for a nice walk for an hour this morning. I say nice, it chucked it down half way round, but Katie was merry, waving to the passing multitudes of dogs, singing along with the birds (seriously, she was in a lovely mood!) When we had finished, we headed off to what's reputed to be a jolly good car boot sale. Now either this is untrue or the rest of the area heard the forecast and believed it more than I did. Cos it was rubbish. Apart from 15 childrens videos for 50p. Hmm, maybe that does make it extra rubbish - I've parted with money to torment myself in 15 whole new ways. Katie blagged some marshmallows. And we bumped into Jack and his mummy, so she was extra happy.

We'd come a fair distance from home to get to the first places, so I thought we'd make the most of it. I took her to the country park by the Bridge. We hada wonderful time wandering paths, there were huge areas that she ran round and round. I was taking a very sweet picture of her picking flowers, with the Bridge in the background. Only for her to come show me the flower. It was rabbit droppings.

We wandered some more and Katie found this puddle. It doesnt look much, but I promise you, it was both deep and muddy. Katie loved it. But refused to part with Monkey. He jumped too. A little enthusiastically in the end. Her face fell as she handed him over, sad that he was soggy. She was distracted when she saw more splishsplash to jump in. We stopped for a drink and some lunch in the little cafe and she sat in the highchair, dripping. I took her shoes and socks off and she happily munched away.

With a muddy, shoe/sockless toddler and a mummy in scuffs, dishevelled and also a little muddy, of course the logical place to go was my first visit to that more upmarket person's supermarket. Waitrose (choice of princesses, don't you know!). I was made to feel suitably underdressed. By a ten year old in Ralph Lauren.

Anyways, Monkey is having an exciting adventure in the washing machine, whilst stand-in-Monkey attempts to fool Katie as to his identity. She's not amused. I thought she'd be wanting some home-time when she got up from her sleep, but no she wanted to go see the ducks. And then go to the swings. She led me the whole way to the park, she knew exactly where she was going. And when we got there, stand-in-Monkey had to have his own swing, which I also had to push.

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