It's Murder!

I've lived in this house for thirteen years and never knew that we had a Billiard Room and Library. Amazing.

Jen (#2 daughter) is due a birthday so she had a few girlfriends in for the evening (actually afternoon, evening and all night!). One of the activities seems to have been a sort of walk around Cluedo - which they managed to do without disturbing my sleep!!!!

Interesting how the little girls of a couple of years ago become professional young women, teachers, designers, doctors, administrators .... and yet when they get together they revert to being 5 again - thank goodness!

(Oh by the way Miss Scarlett and Dr Black were having an affair - same sex of course, very modern. Miss Scarlett got jealous and murdered Dr Black in the Dining Room. Sorry I didn't wait up long enough to show you them all dressed up.)

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