Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

Nobby Beach Dawn

Down at Nobbys Beach at about 5.45 this morning - I liked the pattern in the sky, the reflections of the lights and the orange tones from the lights of the Surf House. Even the gulls look like they have a serious case of jaundice. Don't ask me what was going on with the lights up to the lighthouse. Weird atmospheric effects or just dodgy lens. Hmmmm.

Thanks so much for all the comments and hearts from yesterday. I thought I needed to return some well deserved favours so have joined up.

Oh and I was tempted to post this but couldn't as Poos Canada Goose gets the gong in my books. This kookaburra was sitting on the jacaranda tree in my back yard patiently posing and then swooped down and got an enormous grasshopper. He then proceeded to bash the living daylights out of it but was in the shade and not a good shot.

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