simple moments

By simplemoments

on edge...

because i woke up...

...with no hot water

...with another totally out of control, raging headache

...with the bug back that i had from earlier in the week, feeling yucky again!

but knowing all this will pass, it's okay - the sun is shining... the temps are super warm today... it's saturday, so i didn't have to go anywhere or do anything anyway for which i'm grateful... i've been lazy - trying to rest yet again to get better, boring in itself but necessary... the landlord has been to the house and fixed my hotwater - yay! and while he was at it set up the watering system for the yard... maybe tomorrow i can look to the laundry and some cleaning chores.

at least i was able to venture outside to find this little one moving very quickly...not wanting any fame at all. i wasn't even sure i'd gotten it in focus or in the frame for how quickly it was moving - i was just seeing a blur. once processed, i thought - totally on the edge and for now, i need to concentrate on getting off my edge of the day... so it's a

happy day.....

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