mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome


Logan waving :)

We had visitors this afternoon, Aunty J, E and M. Logan was a good boy and they all got a wee hold. Aidan was up from his afternoon nap just it time to show off before they left too.

Other than that it was a quiet day with a bit laundry and cleaning done. It was quite warm tonight and it took Aidan a wee while to fall asleep. I could hear him on the monitor saying 'teddy'. I went up to check on him and he was busy playing with his toys. It took another couple of visits from myself and daddy before he went off to sleep.

Logan's stuffy nose seems to be getting better today. He hasn't been sick at all today which is good although we've been jumping every time he burps 'just in case'! At least it seems like the sick has just been related to the stuffy nose. Aidan had really bad reflux and was sick regularly throughout the day and night until he was about 7 months old. I'm not sure I could deal with that again!

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