All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Shreddies & ice-cream

Ethan was up at 6.20am this morning but it was my turn for a lie-in, so hubbie got up. I woke again a few hours later so nipped downstairs, brought my brekkie stuff up to the bedroom, and chilled out in bed a bit longer with my bowl of cereal.

When Ethan was upstairs later on, he entertained himself by helping himself to Shreddies straight from the box, which were still in the bedroom. Well I guess that's one way to make sure you get a morning snack!

Hubbie, Ethan & I then headed out to Dobbies near Dalkeith to meet Foreveryoung, Mr Foreveryoung and baby Eden. We had lunch there and Ethan enjoyed himself in their playarea. He didn't eat very much though - think he was having too much fun on his feet to eat!

We then all went to Ikea. Eden slept for most of our time there but Ethan combined being carried, walking the wrong direction round Ikea, standing in the shopping trolley while it was being wheeled around and then the best bit .... he had his first ice-cream cone! We've tried him with ice-cream several times recently but he wasn't interested. However, today he couldn't get enough and was walking up and down outside the foodhall, licking (and dripping) his ice-cream! That was going to be my blip today but as my sister has beaten me to it, you can check Ethan out on her journal instead!

He fell asleep in the car on the way home at around 4pm. I sat in the car with him when we got back to ensure he got a bit more sleep but as I was reading a book I lost track of time. He finally woke at 5.30pm! So it was a slightly later bedtime tonight - just hope he doesn't wake at silly o'clock tomorrow as a result of the late nap.

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