Pilates Session

Gosh, I have had to wait a long time to be able to upload this.....maybe some problems, rectified now so onward and upwards.

I had a visitor this morning then went into town to do a few chores.....I had to wait to pick up something so went down to Caroline Bay. Did some serious stalking of these gulls.....remember the game we used to play as kids "Creep Up Jack" - that was me. The rain started with a vengence so packed it in, did the pick up and headed home.

Fire cranking, warmth, Doug cooking tea, and me, well fiddling around on the computor etc.

I was hoping Poo may have been away for the weekend, you know why, yes I knew you would understand. I am not one for bird photography, and he is a master! I do have a bird book though....this is the common red billed gull (I think??).


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