
By cracker


Up at 5.45am to go to work, stopped at the petrol station to get some petrol and the sky was such an awesome colour! Filled up and then stopped to take some photos of the sunrise! It is the same place as this sunrise but at a different time of year. This one from November was taken at 5.41am and this one this morning was taken at 6.40am.

Am blipping early today (it is 11.15am!) but we have already checked the truck, had a call to a car accident (no-one hurt) and I have had a blood test! We are going out to get lunch soon and refuel then our officer, Dave's, wife and grandkids are coming in to visit the station! I have spoken to his wife, Anne, so many times on the phone but have never met her so it will be great to finally meet!

Kaz's mum, Cheryl is coming to our house today to stay the night as it is Mother's Day here tomorrow. We have been invited to another friend's house for breakfast, along with Tarsh and Scott, so there will be 4 kids and 6 adults! Should be great!

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