Wednesday Morning 3 A.M.

By meganmacdonald


These mood swings are craaaazy. Another bad day but I walked for a good two and a half hours this evening up Arthur's Seat after begging my dad to drive me somewhere far away. This was so I could walk home and walk of all my stress/anger/frustration/sadness etc. Which worked, I'm pleased to say.

I took loads of photos of Arthur's seat itself and the views of Edinburgh but I decided to blip this instead because it made me laugh. I was just ambling along the street, texting absent mindedly (not a good thing seeing as I physically cannot walk and text without bumping into someone/thing) when a - rather drunk - man pointed this out to me. He was absolutely creasing himself but it definitely did made me smile. Someone had obviously drawn round the bike's shadow and I liked thinking about how many people would have seen it and found it interesting.

One week today until my first exam, two weeks today until my final one. I can't wait for them to be over.

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