
Mum read my bedtime stories tonight. We had a Kipper one, a Peppa one and story called Princess Smartypants, about a Princess who wants to do what she pleases. At the end of the stories, I said, "night night Mummy, see you in the morning".

I have to mention for posterity the election results today. A year ago we were voting in the Westminster elections, and what happened in Scotland today is a direct result of the coalition government. The Conservatives are essentially non-existent in Scotland, so instead voters chose to punish the Lib Dems and their vote almost completely collapsed. But Labour were punished too, and the SNP has won an outright majority, 69 seats; one of which is the constituency we live in. This is about as Labour heartland as you can get - historically an area of mining and heavy industry, strong trade union links, hammered by Thatcherism in the 1980s. For many people, this will be the first time in their lives they've voted for anyone other than Labour in any kind of election. And it wasn't a close-run thing either - 3,500 vote majority, a swing of more than 10%. I hope the Labour party is asking some very difficult questions of itself this evening. And I'm bracing myself for the next five years with both interest and trepidation.

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