Planko's Pics

By planko

'Portillo moment'

Well, there was certainly a Portillo moment last night for the Conservatives in Scotland, and Labour, not to mention the Lib Dems.

Being a Friday, it was dress down day at work, so instead of wearing a suit and dress shoes today it was jeans and trainers which meant I could go on a long blip wander in Edinburgh. Had a lovely wander down the High Street and found this geezer skulking around outside the Scottish Parliament today with a camera crew in tow.

Had a quick chat with the producer whilst the camera crew were filming Mr P wandering around over and over. He was there today to film a piece on Alex Salmond, First Minister of Scotland, which had been arranged in advance of the election. Could have went either way, but what a scoop having some time with him on today of all days when the SNP gubbed all opposition in Scotland to become the first political party since devolution to secure an overall majority in the Scottish Parliament. Will no doubt make for an interesting interview., which goes out on the 15th of May apparently.

I wonder what the future will bring. I hope they don't throw away the opportunity to actually make a change like the Lib Dems have done down south....

I also wonder if I'll still be saying "politicians - sack the lot of them" in 5 years time?

Plenty of other shots i could have used (some even in life-turns poses!) but i liked this one the best. Managed to get a smile out of him when he overheard me talking to the producer about liking his great train journeys series. Didn't like his politics but have enjoyed a couple of his TV programmes.


EDIT: I've no idea why some "noise" is showing when the image is displayed large. It looks fine on my PC and in photoshop.

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