Looking up...

By tralala

Abandoned nest

Where be that blackbird to,
I knows where ee be,
ee be up yon wurzel tree,
'n I be affer ee,
I sees ee,
an ee sees I,
begger'd if I don't get 'n,
with a gert big stick,
I'll knock 'im down,
blackbird I'll 'ave ee!

I didn't actually knock down the blackbird but I did inadvertently disturb this nest a few days ago (and then bid a hasty retreat). The female blackbird stuck it out for a couple of days but was a bit jumpy. Then we had family staying for a few days and all the coming and going proved just too much. What a shame.
But it's worth a blip of this beautiful, intricate nest and its lovely, if a bit sad, little eggs.

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