The Ship and Shovell pub, Charing Cross, London
This is a strange pub, it claims to be the only pub in London split across two sites. But I don't know of any others - might it be the only such pub in Britain?
Shovell is Sir Cloudsley Shovell (I kid you not). He was an admiral in the Napoleonic era. And he was the subject of the only proper joke I ever saw in a serious history text book during my time studying history. The British naval forces involved in a skirmish in (I think) the War of 1812 had been split in two, one half commanded by Shovell. The other half fought the main engagement, lrgely successfully. A few enemy ships were left and the book intoned solemnly "Shovell arrived later to clear up the mess." I laughed out loud in the university library and the phrase has stuck with me all these years later. I was at college at King's College not far from this pub, but only chanced upon it today.
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