
By Kookyinthelakes


I don't normally talk about the people I work with but today is an exception.

I've been working with a depressed chap who for the last 10 years has battled with cancer, he's had his stomach removed and subsequently struggles to eat and so his energy levels are horrendous. He came to see me today and quietly told me that he's now been diagnosed with adrenal cancer. He doesn't know what the future holds. He's waiting to see what further treatment he will be offered and in the mean time has given up giving up drinking and is allowing himself some merriment, he wants to enjoy his time.

He doesn't want further psychological therapy, it's not the right time for him, although he said if his cancer treatment is successful he'll be back to see me. I don't think he'll be back. He looked very unwell.

The guy is so selfless, he's ex-army and passionate about the lads having the proper rehabilitation centres they need, and for them not to be left squandering in civilian hospitals. He is now focusing all his effort and energy on fundraising for the Royal British Legion. He presented me with this pin today and told me to spread the word. I felt humbled. I cried. I then gave him a big donation for his cause. He left with a smile.

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