
By gilliebg

Not waving...

SwimAmerica is a national learn to swim program operated by the American Swimming Coaches Association through over 500 Program Directors at over 900 sites across the USA. Swim America uses a high standard, that means a person can maintain themselves indefinitely in the water. To do so, requires the ability to exhale used air and inhale new air; aerobic swimming. (just like being able to talk while you jog!) The standard is that a person should be able to swim 300 yards non-stop, and swim 6 different styles of swimming, to be considered a 'swimmer.' 300 yards is important as scientists have found that humans can swim 200 yards without being able to breathe effectively. but without the ability to breathe effectively, eventually that person will get in trouble, and possibly endanger their life. Swim America has gone 1/3 beyond that point to set a standard of 300 yards of non-stop swimming. It takes time, but it can save a child's life.

At this point Nia thinks she would rather stay away from water.

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