Squiffy by the Sea

By squiffy

Little Egret ?

I went for a ride on the motorbike (with the camera too of course) and ended up at Marazion again. The RSPB reserve there is right by the road so I usually pop my head over the wall to see if there is anything pretty.

Today I saw this which was a bit of a cow to photograph as I had no tripod, but after a few false attempts I managed to use the camera bag as an elbow support and got this shot.

I had no Idea what it was, its just something I hadn't seen before so I have had a hunt in my boys own book of birds and it looks like a Little Egret, My 30 year old book says you don't see them in the UK but the RSPB web site says they are a recent colonist to the UK and there are about 150 breeding pairs here, mostly in Devon and Cornwall. This all seems to make sense as I am in Cornwall but as ever, my confidence level in my bird identification is low and I have a history of getting it badly wrong.

Whatever it is its pretty though and caught quite a few little fish while I was watching.

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