Nell's World

By nell2803


It was really frosty here this morning.

Went for a cycle and had to wear gloves. It was so cold. Noticed that there was a mist coming up from the river opposite the house but couldn't go out until my daughter had left for school. By the time I left the house there was still a little frost lying in areas that weren't getting any sun.

I have been resisting taking photos of the dandelion clocks, tempting though they are, but when I saw the frost starting to thaw on them I thought this might make them even more beautiful.

Also able to process more now that I can publish from our pc again (hoooray). Funny thing is that before I started blipping I was determined that I didn't like photos that were processed. How wrong can you be. I think looking at the images that are published here on blipfoto has made me realise that processing can often enhance the image taken. Hence why I have taken an image that I already was happy with and, I think, enhanced especially when looked at large.

Hope you agree.

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