Brief Encounter

Very brief! I realised when leaving work that I had forgotten I had a school meeting this evening and so as I was driving the 14 miles home from work, I was thinking of what I could Blip along the way. I spent a few minutes near a yacht club near Marino in Holywood but there wasn't much to see. I then accidentally came across this derelict railway station building in Cultra. I love railways, especially old railways, and I think it's a shame that these once busy old buildings are allowed to rot. The Cultra station seems large enough to have housed a station master and perhaps even had a tea room. It certainly had a waiting room and as you can see from the picture, some effort was made to present these buildings in a pleasing decorative style.
Even in it's heyday, I cannot imagine Celia Johnston and Trevor Howard trysting on this platform, but I wonder how many other lovers met here over the years? How many women said tearful goodbyes to their boyfriends or husbands heading off to war?

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