Home & Away

By Jewellz

A New Camera Does Not A Snapper Make

Hopefully I have succeeded in my first ever back blip, if not then I am talking to myself (not that unusual!)

Despite taking to Dartmoor yesterday with lovely camera in hand, and despite having taken some really lovely (even if I do say so myself) shots, I am it would seem a complete and utter numpty.

Having figured out how to work the basic parts of said lovely camera, I overlook the date setting and was not allowed to blip any of said lovely piccies.

So to the back garden I went and this is what transpired.

Then battery went flat on said lovely camera and needed charging by which time i was ready for bed, which leads in turn to the neccesity of the back blip.

What can you do, I have no excuse really and I hadn't even been drinking !?!

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