Moving weather
This (our hosts' garden) shows quite accurately my expression as I looked out of the window to see the rain sheeting down. After weeks of glorious sunshine, and with a week of sunshine forecast from tomorrow, it was inevitable that our moving day would be a blur of lightning, thunder and tropical downpours.
Things started badly with a miscommunication that had us standing in the rain outside the agent's office while she waited for us at the property. But when we finally met up all went well and our new landlord seems like a very reasonable and helpful chap - offering parking space at his farm and help lifting our stuff.
We managed to get everything into the house - and it was way quicker unloading with two able-bodied grown ups rather than loading where it was just me and Mr B with a dislocated shoulder.
There is still much to do, but we have electricity (subject to this electrical storm going away), phone and wine. Can't be bad.
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