The Little Lyle Files

By kevinwatters

So tempting?????

Today was the last day of our pre-central heating replacement preparation, so it was full on clearing out. Three car-loads of stuff to my mother-in-law's garage to add to the previous two car-loads from the other day.

This was not the way I would choose to spend a precious bank holiday weekend but was a necessity. To demonstrate how poor today was in terms of leisure and entertainment, we took the children out in the late afternoon for a trip to a new recycling centre in a neighbouring town that knocks the socks off the one we usually use locally and we disguised this effort sufficiently well as 'a nice drive out' that they were excited by the adventure.

Anyway, to save us the trouble of providing tea when we got home we stopped off at McDonalds to give them a treat and the adults indulged in some non-alcoholic beverages and low-calorie light pastries. As it happened I ended up with a milky coffee which was because I hadn't specified black coffee and a very stodgy belgian brownie which was labelled as "So Tempting" (hence the title to the blip - geddit!) but was not really up to its own hype.

So, today's blip is a photograph of my afternoon indulgence which I have inverted in Photoshp Elements for two reasons,
(1) it is more interesting to look at that way, and
(2) it represents the fact that this is the exact opposite from the way I would have liked to have spent the day, right down to the white rather than black coffee.

I am at work tomorrow so hopefully there will be better blip opportunities then: it feels as though I am being released from prison the way this weekend has been.

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