This Side Of Paradise

By kateleeharvey

Newborn tests !

We didnt get out of the labour suite till 03.00 but they transferd me to the patient hotel (located above the labour ward) Lee had the option to stay aswell for £20 so he decided to because he didnt want to drive home at that time. They took us to our room and we slept till breakfast at 7.00am. We went back for another sleep and the pediatrition came to do her tests which were fine and the hearing test woman came to check her ears. We had lunch and then had another sleep before we left at 3pm to take baby to meet her brother.

When we got home Harvey was having his nap so this gave Gran and Pap time to have some cuddles, but when he woke up he got to meet her (she still has no name yet) and gave her lots of cuddles and kisses. She bought him a giant teapot tea set with a plastic cake and he was very pleased with his new toy :) rest of the day was a bit fuzzy as we were so tired. But very happy we have our little family all together at home and safe.

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