Who knew?

By InOtherNews

Change of Heart

My god. SP = Self Pitying. I've had enough of that I think. Sorry everyone but I deleted the entry from earlier due to the fact my moaning and whining has made me feel a little bit like a dick. No pitying anymore I mean jesus there is a limit.

This is on my stereo right now. 'Id rather be pissed off then pissed on' is the lyric that really struck me, but if you get a chance check out the whole album 'Under The Fog'. Sadly critics believe their recent work to be commercially reworked sell out stuff, which I don't agree or disagree with. However this song and this album as a whole: Very Important Work.

I had another mooch down the woods earlier, collect some thoughts (didn't find many, although there were a lot of daisies). These two fellas came waddling over expecting some sort of handout. Unless they wanted twenty mayfair or a can of coke they were out of luck, so they walked away bitching about me no doubt. That's not self pitying though I did give it back (started chanting hoy sin sauce and pancake rolls). Such a bully me.

So back to work tomorrow, and back to the usual state of play I guess: low standard photos and hopefully higher standard moaning that doesn't start getting all self involved or whatever.

For those who didn't see the original picture imagine this: Something slightly pathetic.

It'll be nice to get back to commenting although with eighty odd subscriptions and eleven days to catch up I can't see me getting through everything. I mean thats eight hundred and eighty pictures. That's even more than The Sun print on any given day, and only a hundred less than The Sport.

Done :)

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