Paul Morgans

By BakewellPie

Ashford Cricket Club

Ashford in the Water is one of my favourite villages in the Peak District.
Situated on the banks of the river Wye, Ashford, unlike most Peak villages is set in a beautiful valley setting, rather than in a hollow on a plateau, or on the side of a valley like Youlgreave.
Its mainly 18th century cottages are built of smoothly textured limestone, light brown in colour, giving a warm and cosy feel to the village.  
There has been a cricket club in the village since before 1841.
Geoff Miller the ex England spinner says that it is in his top 3 favourite cricket grounds in the world!
Cricket is very popular in the Peak District and it is amazing to see that villages without even a shop or flat land have a cricket team. Check out Stanton in the Peaks cricket pitch.
Ashford are playing Sheffield Esoteric where they came out winners.
I bumped into the team later in the evening at the Bulls head Ashford which is a fantastic pub with really great food, they had sponsored the match ball and I was amused to see a watering can full of beer used to top up their glasses.
The games here are very reminiscent of a scene form Midsommer murders with the scent of nostalgia very much in the air.
A lovely warm summer evening with lengthening shadows, cricket being played and all is right with the world.

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