Through my lens, Willis

By Willis

Horace Dodge Fountain

Out for a 15 mile bike ride through downtown Detroit. Grabbed this HDR of the Horace Dodge Fountain in Hart Plaza.

Good cool misty Sunday.


Caution Tech Stuff:

Shot this HDR with my Canon G10. After processing in Photomatrix Pro 4.0 I brought the image back into Photoshop for Post Processing. Using the blur tool I softened the blue sky to tone down the HDR noise. Then I added a vignette. Next I made a copy of the image in a new layer and sharpened the whole thing. I added a mask to this layer and filled the mask with black paint which turned the whole new sharpened layer off. Next I painted the mask with white paint everywhere the fountain was. This let the sharpness of the fountain through without edging up the background. Selective sharpening.


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