Pics from Zone Flâneur

By paulperton

Fynbos 2

More bruniaceae - this time, in flower. As I said yesterday, I've never seen this happen before and it shows just how good the winter rains were.

Fynbos is indigenous to this strip of coast and a few other coastal areas between here and Port Elizabeth, which is about 1000 km up the East coast.

Fynbos, is from the Dutch of the original settlers and literally means "small leaves". In the case of bruniaceae, this doesn't hold especially true, as it's leaves look more like pine needles. I'll shoot more typical examples for future Blips.

Tthe United Nations has recognised the 1500+ examples of fynbos found here as the greatest biodiversity on the planet in a single place and has declared this coastal strip a Biosphere.

Leica D-LUX 3

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