Wednesday Morning 3 A.M.

By meganmacdonald


Today was yet another glorious day but I didn't get to enjoy that much of it (hence the boring blip) seeing as I was stuck inside working. Although 'working' is probably an overstatement... my morning began by listening to The King Blues' new album and trying to psych myself into revising.. which didn't work.

I actually thought I was going to have to stop blipping for a couple of weeks after this morning. I promised my dad I would only be out late one night this weekend but, because I do love me some spontaneity, I decided to go out on Friday night as well. Long story short, two nights coming home at 3am and 4am respectively, my papa was not a happy man and, knowing how much I enjoy toddling off and blipping, he was considering taking my camera away from me... Thankfully the wannabe lawyer in me argued my way out of it..

My day has been spent listening to The National - possibly my favourite band of all time - and it's been summed up by lyrics from Lucky You... 'You own me, lucky you'. So yeah, lucky bloody you. I'm currently owned by Nepal... a statement which will mean nothing to the vast majority of people but which, at the moment, means everything to me.

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