Happy Sunday

18months 10 days

Been a nice day, busy but steadily so. We went to church in the village, and as always had a really very lovely time. I do like it there and feel extremely welcome and settled there. Katie does too, especially as its a familiar place and good friends. We stayed for a chat for a while and the children were playing nicely together.

We headed home and had some lunch and a play, then put her down for her sleep. She slept well and I went up to waken her. I left her in the cot to come round and watched her. She woke very happily but then something about the cot and banging her arm on the bars upset her. I had been considering making the change to toddler bed after conversations with fernie's mummy. And decided to bite the bullet. So I, on my own, with Katie tryign to climb the pieces, managed to take the cot apart! I'd started to put the bed together when I realised I'd put the end panel back to front. Ooops. A friend text at that point so I abandoned it and went out.

We went to have a bath and take some laundry at Emma and her family's house. The children then all had a good play, running very excitedly around the house. We got invited to stay for tea, which was lovely and Katie ate extremely well. After some more playing, we headed for home, complete with Emma's daddy to build the bed together. After he'd gone, Katie snuggled down and went to sleep without batting an eyelid. So we'll see how we get on!

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