Lisa's life...

By lisa24270

Mission almost accomplished!

I now know that these are part of an art trail connected to Soham's Millenium Walks thanks to TeaganRose's clever Googling Mum's comment on my previous Soham sign blip

There are 3 walks: a red, a blue & a green. Stella & I often find ourselves on parts of these either during normal walkies or geocaching trips so thought we'd follow an actual route. Having set out in the wrong shoes I'm pleased I chose the shortest one today!

This sign is near some allotments, we found another but sadly it had been "decorated" by a graffiti artist and was also fairly hidden by overgrown weeds and foliage, I did take a snap to prove to myself I'd seen it though!

& I know only have one more sign to find to complete the set of 8 :)

I have a suspicion about where it is and if the burning blistered balls of my feet have suffficiently recovered tomorrow, that's where I'll be heading with my faithful friend :)

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