
By RichieF

River Endrick

I took the canoe down the River Endrick today, with my mate Chris. We set off from the Endrick Bridge after leaving a car at Balmaha (the destination). This section of the Endrick meanders for about 10km through low lying farmland and then into the Endrick Marsh, where we saw two Ospreys, one of which had a large fish in its talons. All the time we had a stiff easterly wind to contend with, which most of the time thankfully was at our backs. We eventually reached the mouth of the river, where it enters Loch Lomond, with a now even stronger easterly wind which threatened to blow us across to Luss. We managed to get back to Balmaha without much drama, apart from when Chris had to get out in the middle of the loch to pull us off a sandbank (the loch is very shallow at the mouth of the Endrick). We got back to my car after about 5 hours. A great day out.

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