Starry Eyed Surprise

By bellerock

Empty Nest Syndrome.

Much panic and consternation this morning as I peeked into the Blackbird nest.


I couldn't believe it.

Radar slunk past me at the backdoor and bolted down to the summerhouse and tried to squeeze behind it and the fence. She'd been in the garden earlier that morning and I remember hearing a bit of a stooshie.

Jumping to conclusions, I grabbed her collar and dragged her back inside the house. She got a right ear bashing and was sent to bed in disgrace.

Later on in the morning when I went to hang out washing, a quick movement under some bushes caught my eye.

One of the fledglings was hopping around in the undergrowth. I spotted my second fledgling sitting on a garden chair soon afterwards.

Unfortunately it tried to fly of the chair and crash landed inside chicken run.

The chickens were really nasty to it and started to peck it but I managed to rescued it and put it back on the other side of the netting.

Mum and Dad Blackbird were nearby watched and shouted during all the commotion. The chick escaped unharmed this time, but my garden is proving to be a very dangerous place for a nursery of fledglings.

Radar is off the hook this time, but as I've said before she is a birder, intent on committing birder.

From now on both Rocket and Radar will be getting supervised playtime in the garden.

We went Canoe Shopping this afternoon, lots of decision now to be made. I can't wait to get one, but I want to make sure its the right choice.

Took this photo of the Howe O' the Mearns, the view south from Cairn O'Mount as we journeyed to Aberdeen.

Best viewed large (warning, this is my first panorama)

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